About me

I am a graduate from the University of San Diego with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Business Administration majoring in Marketing and a minoring in Spanish. I expanded my education through studying abroad at Comillas Pontifical University where I concluded my Spanish minor. The courses I participated in broadened my learning through various applied projects and deliverables conducted. I am currently employed at H.G. Fenton Real Estate Company as a Commercial Property Manager where I manage a total of 1.8M sqft and manage large-scale projects, including a solar installation for Ballast Point and luxury lab conversions. I am the department lead for all social media efforts. My skills in project management, construction, SEO, digital marketing, prospect reach, real estate sales, and content marketing/ research are shown through my achievements. I’m dedicated and driven to my work but also have passions outside of work. I believe a positive mindset is a catalyst for success!



Microsoft Office, Google Analytics/Ads, Adobe, MRI, SEO, Facebook Ads, SSL


Leasing and Marketing Professional of the Year, Fenton Marketing Team, Best Team Sales Award, Oral and written proficiency in Spanish, Real Estate market knowledge, Digital Marketing and research, health and wellness expertise, fashion and design enthusiast.

Now to introduce my hobbies…

FASHION. Without a doubt I have a passion for fashion. My time with College Fashionista and Starworks Group enlightened my already style persona into a style guru. My excitement towards fashion further enhanced my interest in design. My current researching skills allows me to keep up with the most recent design, beauty, and fashion trends. I understand the significance of form and design has on any marketing strategy, written marketing plan, or brand innovation.

HEALTH. Health and wellness are characteristics that I value very highly. Cooking as a hobby allows me to compare and contrast foods to make me more aware of my health. What I put in my body and my self care choices reflect my outward decisions. Discovering new ways of wellness provides a platform to a better lifestyle for myself as well as coaching others. Outdoor sports such as golf, hiking and snowboarding are an important part of my routine. Working in healthcare confirmed my wellness concerns and importance for individuals and I now understand and appreciate sales of a product that is essential rather than a luxury.

INFLUENCE. Ultimately, my studies, travel, growth and my family’s entrepreneurial journey have influenced me to look for a lifestyle of balance of all things aesthetic, health, fashion, architecture, wellness, design, travel, and anything connected to real life.